
Fully automated Sperm Analyzer

Reports sperm count, morphology, motility and 13 additional parameters
Requires no sample dilution; .25ml and 20 micro liter sample size options
Runs fresh, washed, frozen, and post vasectomy sample types
Runs latex bead or stabilized sperm quality control material
Self testing, self calibrating, disposable testing capillary
LIS interface option available, Optical visualization up to x500

Delivers 16 clinical parameters in 75 seconds with far greater precision and accuracy compared to the manual method.internal archive, optional label printer, and simple functionality.
Reports sperm count, morphology, motility and 13 additional parameters
Requires no sample dilution
.25ml and 20 micro liter sample size options
Runs fresh, washed, and frozen sample types
Runs latex bead or stabilized sperm quality control material
Self testing, self calibrating, External label printer, disposable testing capillary
For routine semen analysis screening in small and/or remote laboratories. Built in screen and on-board printer for reporting and documentation.
Reports sperm count, morphology, motility and more.
Requires no sample dilution
20 micro liter sample size options
High sensitivity mode or post vasectomy analysis
Self testing, self calibrating
Built in printer, disposable capillary