

world leader in hemostasis and coagulation
At the heart of Hemostasis
Parameter : PT, APTT, Fibrinogen,Thrombin time, Reptilase time, Extrinsic pathway factor ,intrinsic pathway factors, FACTOR XIII, Anti-Xa(UFH,LMWH Rivaroxaban), Anti-lla
D-Dimer, Fibrin monomer and Fibrin degeredation products!
Antithrombin , Protein C, Activated protein C resistance,Protein S, Lupus Anticoagulant, VWF, Microparticles, Plasminogen, Antiplasmin and TAFI, Calibrators, QUALITY CONTROLs.
Extensive loading capacity : 96 samples, 45 reagents, 1000 cuvettes on board

TEST MENU : PT, aPTT, Fibrinogen, Thrombin Time, Anti-Xa (UFH, LMWH), D-Dimers, Calibrators, Quality Control.
20 samples on board
16 reagents on board
100 tests/ hour

TEST MENU : PT, APTT, Fibronogen, Thrombin time, Reptilase time, Extrinsic and Intrinsic protein, Protein C ,Protein S, Lupus Anticoagulant, Calibrators and Quality Controls!

TA-8V & TA-4V, Semi Automated analyser for the exploration and evaluation of platelet function in a citrated platelet rich plasma!!
platelet ability ot aggregate can be evaluated by LIGHT TRANSMISSION AGGREGOMETRY (LTA)
Constitutional thrombopathy (Glansmann thrombasthenia, Bernard Soulier etc).
*aquired thrombopathy.
*Follow-up of Anti-platelet treatments.
*Platelet hypersentivity
*In vitro quantification of blood platelet aggregation under different concentrations of various aggregation agents.
*Variations measurements of infra-red light transmission through platelet suspension.
*4 to 8 channels for sample measuremet

Parameters: Lag time
* Peak height
* Time to peak
* Velocity Index
* Endogenous Thrombin potential and ENDOgenous thrombin potential inhibitors!
* Start tai
Specific features : 6 TG parameters + Endogenous Thrombin potential (ETP) inhibition in absolute and normalised units, all parameters calculated automatically.
*Assayed reference plasma for results normalisation.
*3 QC levels to cover the entire working range.
*Trigger reagents and QC combined for improvement of standardisation.
*Precise temperature control at 37 degrees C.
*Routine features: Calibration and QC management (incl Westgard) ,complete traceability and STAT sample.
* Positive identification and continuous loading of reagents, samples and disposables.
*Unitary cuvettes preloaded on tray.
*New calibration method: Only once daily required and insensitive to anticoagulant drugs.
Parameter : PT, APTT, Fibrinogen,Thrombin time, Reptilase time, Extrinsic pathway factor ,intrinsic pathway factors, FACTOR XIII, Anti-Xa(UFH,LMWH Rivaroxaban), Anti-lla
D-Dimer, Fibrin monomer and Fibrin degeredation products!
Antithrombin , Protein C, Activated protein C resistance,Protein S, Lupus Anticoagulant, VWF, Microparticles, Plasminogen, Antiplasmin and TAFI, Calibrators, QUALITY CONTROLs.